日本財団 図書館




The Fifth Memorial Sumo World Championships are being held in the Kokugikan, the traditional hall for sumo matches. It is my greatest hope for the success of these World Championships.


The history of sumo can be traced to ancient times. The discovery of a relic dating back to the Babylonian Dynasty depicts two men wearing belts around their hips, with hands and legs intertwined, grappling one another. This relic is estimated to be 4,500 years old. In Egypt, the discovery of a 4,000 year old mural depicting a wrestling match has been reported. Ancient documents of India and China contain recorded traditions and events pertaining to sumo.


In view of these discoveries, sumo is not a sport which belongs exclusively to Japan. It is a skilled sport that was frequently practiced in various countries throughout the world from ancient times. Thanks to the efforts of the International Sumo Federation and the respective sumo federations from different regions, sumo has become a world sport which has overcome the space of several thousand years. I am sure that all of us feel the awesome weight of history and romance that lies behind the collaboration of this event, the Sumo World Championships.


Of course, modern sumo today is a martial art with a honorable tradition aimed at instilling and cultivating fortitude, skills, physique, and respect for courtesy and decorum in sumo athletes. It is a modern sport which is governed by international rules.


I hope that each athlete in this event will participate in the competition fairly and openly, abide by the rules, maintain their manners, and represent their respective countries with honor and dignity. Victory should be without vanity, defeat should not be a discouragement, praise should go to the winner and compassion to the loser. It is essential that through this competition, human relationships that surpass international borders are established. The outcome of each athlete's actions will help to put sumo in the Olympics.


Lastly, I would like to sincerely thank all the people who helped organize this event and the members of the audience for their enthusiastic support. And I pray for the continued success of the Sumo World Championships.


Seiji Yoshida
Japan Sumo Association




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